And another year bites the dust. It was a great year, I had a baby, photographed lots and lots of film and generally enjoyed life.
How to Loose Yourself in Motherhood, Without Loosing Yourself Have another kid. I know this sounds crazy and maybe counter productive. But life with Stella was good, however life since we added Faxen is great. It is amazing how you grow to love another human being when you already thought your heart was so full....
Welcome to the newest member of our family, Faxen James Caywood. He was born on February 4, 2015 at 1:15am, weighing 8 pounds and 21.5 inches long. Labour was as good as it can be. Contractions came on steadily around 6:00pm. We checked into the hospital at 11:15pm and I was dilated to 5cm. Within...
I love documenting families and the wonderful season of life they are in.
I'm Rosalyn,
Family Photographer - Located in Idaho Falls
I love documenting families and the wonderful
season of life they are in.
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