Finding Creativity Through Jesus Christ

Lately, I have spent most of my free time engrossed in the words of Elizabeth Gilbert. I read Big Magic, watched Eat, Pray, Love and I’m currently listening to her podcast Magic Lessons.

I’m intrigued and inspired by the idea of finding yourself, discovering your inner force and living more creatively. It is something I’m striving for but, unlike a young Elizabeth in her memoir Eat, Pray, Love I cannot take a year off and go to Italy, India and Bali to discover this version of myself.

So, I turned to my husband for advice. I asked ” How can I find myself and go on this journey of self discovery amidst  being a mom, wife and my daily life?”

He responded without hesitation, “Get to know Christ.”

That is the answer I expected nor was it what I really wanted to hear. But, I took his advice to heard and started searching to support his theory.

This is what I found.

Get to know and love the Savior, this will provide a greater abundance of creativity which will in turn establish a joyful life.

  • Get to Know and Love the Savior

It all starts with reation. We are literal sons and daughters of the supreme Creator. Our “spirit body is a masterpiece, created with a beauty funtinon and capacity veyond imagination.” (1) Heavenly Father wants to help each of us find that creativity within each of us. “The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul.” (2)

In Big Magic, Elizabeth poses a question”Do you have the courage to bing forth the treasures that are hidden within you?” Those treasures are not there by coincidence. Take those treasures, cultivate them, develop them and if you feel inclined, share them. Whatever you do, just start doing something and trust that things will work out.

Get to know your Savior, ask Him how to cultivate the treasures He gave you. Learn about the treasures He gave you. Read and learn about the treasures He has and your efforts will be amplified.

  • A Greater Abundance of Creativity

I feel the underlying message Elizabeth teaches in her book and podcast is to “Do whatever brings you to life, then follow your own fascinations, obsessions and compulsions. Trust them. Create whatever causes a revolution in your heart.”

How do you connect this call to action with gospel principles? ” President Dieter F. Uchtorf teaches “the more you trust and rely upon the Spirit, the greater your capacity to create” (3). And isn’t that what we, as creatives desire? To create, to feel, to spark that desire in those around us.

“The greater our sensitvity to the Spirit, the Greater our response to beauty, grace and truth in all their forms as these exist about us.” (4) Look for that inspiration around you, then get to work.

  • A Joyful Life

2 Nephi 2:25, “Men are that they might have joy” of all the words that could of been used to describe the purpose of our lives, joy was used. The gospel teaches us that “[The Savior] is the source of all joy.” (5)

As we develop our relationship with out Savior, he will spark a new lifht in us. This light will guide us to ideas and opportunites to create and we will feel happy, fulfilled and joyful.

As Elizabeth encourages us “Be the weirdo who dares to enjoy.”


Family Photographer


Located in Idaho Falls


I love documenting families and the wonderful season of life they are in.





I'm Rosalyn,

Family Photographer - Located in Idaho Falls

I love documenting families and the wonderful

season of life they are in.

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