Best of 2020

Oh 2020, I don’t think many of us will be sad to see you in the review mirror. But, I’m a sucker for a year-end review, this is the way I journal. So let’s dive into the nitty jitty that is 2020.

In February we had our last Photo Native, cue all the crying emojis. This year in Santa Barbra was nothing short of amazing. I noticed people gathering around the fire pits late into the night talking and enjoying each other’s company. Instructors staying after classes to answer questions. Friends trying new creative techniques, mediums and collaborating together. It was watching our tag line “you belong” come to life.

One month after Photo Native, the world shut down and we were forced to stay home all the livelong day. To make the most of it I pulled out my little 35mm camera and documented the new day to day! You can check out the photographs here, it felt so dang good to just shoot for me.

My family went through a lot of ups and downs this year. I went through my first miscarriage, we were (still are) devastated. I saw our family growing on this trajectory and it was all taken away. The silver lining was the army of women that showed up for me during this time. I had back to back photo sessions planned and my dear friend covered for me. We received meals, gifts, messages, prayers, and multiple acts of service. Multiple times my husband made the comment “You are so loved”, and holy moly did I feel and see it. I’m forever grateful for my army of women.

Last but not least, I opened up my digital print shop I started creating the storefront and then six months later, it was ready, read I was ready. I ran into technical difficulties and lots of mental hurdles. Like, hello impostor syndrome! I would go weeks without looking at the storefront because why would anyone want one of my photos? What if they aren’t good enough? What if no one cares? And then, I would put my big girl pants on, get my head down, and work. Then slowly the confidence would come back. Putting your work out into the world is freaking scary and also so freaking exciting.

All in all, I’m excited about the prospect of a new year and seeing some new and familiar faces in front of my camera. However, I gotta give a shout-out to these amazing people below. Hip hip hooray for them and making my year just peachy.


Family Photographer


Located in Idaho Falls


I love documenting families and the wonderful season of life they are in.





I'm Rosalyn,

Family Photographer - Located in Idaho Falls

I love documenting families and the wonderful

season of life they are in.

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