Best of 2019

BEST OF 2019

Hip hip hooray for 2019- and what a year it has been! Another year of Photo Native in Palm Springs. Another year working with friends and capturing their timeless moments together. And another year learning and growing. Some of my favorite moments are as follows.


Turning a corner and focusing my business more on family photography called for me to elevate my website and branding. It really help me define my vision and philosophy as I wrote about my my style, why you should invest in family photographs and all about myself. Thanks to ProPhoto for making it all possible!


I teamed up with Rachael Ruth Film and the Clark family to create a little sneak peek video into what it is like to have a photo session with me. I love how the video and the images from this session turned out. I couldn’t be happier. Check it out here


On every Instagram profile, there is a space where you can describe yourself in 150 characters or less. For the last couple of years mine has always stated the same thing, “Love to document people and the season of life they are in”. This motto was the kick-starter to my personal project which I keenly named “The Season of Life Project”.

During life, we all go through some ups and downs. The low times can often feel hard, lonely and pretty dark. Sometimes the only ray of hope can be someone who lends a helping hand. I really want to reach out to those who have endured and overcome a hard season of life and donate a photo session, hoping that these sessions in some way help lighten the trials they have gone through.

You can see the photos of the families I worked with here


Cheers to the bright future of 2020 and all the fun things it has in store!



Family Photographer


Located in Idaho Falls


I love documenting families and the wonderful season of life they are in.





I'm Rosalyn,

Family Photographer - Located in Idaho Falls

I love documenting families and the wonderful

season of life they are in.
