Category Archives: Maternity & Newborn

Faxen – Salt Lake City, UT

Welcome to the newest member of our family, Faxen James Caywood. He was born on February 4, 2015 at 1:15am, weighing 8 pounds and 21.5 inches long. Labour was as good as it can be. Contractions came on steadily around 6:00pm. We checked into the hospital at 11:15pm and I was dilated to 5cm. Within...

Leona – Provo, UT

Sam and Kaeli had their baby girl, little Leona. All those little baby toes, yawns and even the little cries are adorable. I always love the opportunity to photograph family. Especially when the new family members are so little.

Sam and Kaeli – Springville, UT

Having your first baby is probably the most exciting and terrifying thing. I can tell through the smiles on their faces that they are going to be amazing parents.


I love documenting families and the wonderful season of life they are in.





I'm Rosalyn,

Family Photographer - Located in Idaho Falls

I love documenting families and the wonderful

season of life they are in.

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