Author Archives: Rosalyn Caywood


I’m officially an Idaho girl, these mountains have my heart. Shooting in with the Tetons was a dream come true!


June up at Kelly’s Canyon is always so green and beautiful! Kait is my next-door neighbor and it was so special photographing her family!

Meagan and Briggs

It has been quite a while since I have photographed engagements! But these guys are so cute that I couldn’t say no. And just a little bonus that Briggs is Canadian too!


Family photos are a year-round event- even in the snow! This winter has been so mild it was fun to get out and celebrate this family and their little addition who is coming in a few months.

Best of 2023

Another yearly wrap-up! I genuinely love looking back at the year, taking inventory, and checking the milestones I’ve reached. One of the biggest upgrades was reading Profit First by Mike Michalowicz, it was SO enlightening. I’ve always loved Excel and tracking my expenses, this book taught me some tips and tricks to tweak my approach...

Farmer – Idaho Falls, ID

It is so much fun to photograph teens! That phase of life was so awkward and difficult for me, it is such a joy to spend an hour with them and their families building them up through photography.

Emrich – Idaho Falls, ID

It is always such a joy to photograph friends, Krista and I have been friends since Grade Two! It’s so fun to live in the same city again and watch our kids become friends!


I love documenting families and the wonderful season of life they are in.





I'm Rosalyn,

Family Photographer - Located in Idaho Falls

I love documenting families and the wonderful

season of life they are in.

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