Author Archives: Rosalyn Caywood

Millie – Murray, UT

Photographing a birth was pretty surreal. I have two kids but being on the other side as wonderful. Kaily had such a big heart to allow my to be in the room with her and her husband to witness and document this moment. The highlight of it all was watching her son meet his brand...

Justin and Elizabeth – Payson, UT

Justin and Elizabeth tied the knot! The weather was much different from their bridals. There was snow, rain, wind and a little bit of sunshine. Cheers to Utah for showing us all four seasons in one day. Elizabeth’s most important request was just to capture the happiness of that day. Hopefully I fulfilled their expectations!

Justin and Elizabeth – Springville, UT

I doubt that I will ever get tired of shooting up Hobble Creek Canyon. It is one of my favorite places. For Justin and Elizabeths bridal session we ran into a small hick up, it was prom! And the whole area was filled with groups of teens taking their prom pictures. We were able to...

Caywood – Draper, UT

These are some of my favorite people. My kids LOVE having cousins the same age that live just a few minutes away. Unfortunately, that drive will turn into hours away since they are setting out on a new adventure toward California. It is bitter sweet. We will miss having them around but are so excited...

Al Carraway – Salt Lake City, UT

I got to meet and photograph Al Carraway, she is an author, award winning speaker and all around beautiful person. Not only is a eloquent blogger, she has also designed a line of journals and home decor. A year ago I read her book “More Than the Tattooed Mormon”, I could not put it down....

Finding Creativity Through Jesus Christ

Lately, I have spent most of my free time engrossed in the words of Elizabeth Gilbert. I read Big Magic, watched Eat, Pray, Love and I’m currently listening to her podcast Magic Lessons. I’m intrigued and inspired by the idea of finding yourself, discovering your inner force and living more creatively. It is something I’m striving for but, unlike...

Best of 2016

This year was crazy busy. I photographed A LOT. And almost everything was on film. Which is a huge personal goal of my own. I love this year and what it brought me.

Clark – South Jordan, UT

My beautiful roommate from BYU Idaho was up visiting, they braved the cold as we walked around and took some family photos. They were such troopers indeed.

Alex – Provo, UT

Where to you go photograph in Utah in December? In the Center Style Studio of course! It is a blessing to have friendships grow and develop over time. I enjoyed working with Teagan back at The FIND Lab and it has been so much fun to see her out on her own adventures.

Scarlett – Lehi, UT

Give me all the babies, Everything they do is adorable. Scarlett was no exception, she just stared and kept eye contact and watched your every move. One of my favorite details of the nursery was the art work on the wall. It was all created by Kirsten.


I love documenting families and the wonderful season of life they are in.





I'm Rosalyn,

Family Photographer - Located in Idaho Falls

I love documenting families and the wonderful

season of life they are in.

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